At the Hayfield Farm HCA General Meeting, there was an update on the Stormwater Pipe System. Click on image on the right (for 1-17-18) to view details in the presentation. Here are some highlights from the meeting:
- Washington Gas started relocation work on September 6, 2017 and completed it December 8, a month early. Concrete restorations (sidewalk and curbs) await warmer weather.
- The east (Hayfield Park) side of Hayfield Road will be paved soon, depending on weather. All of Hayfield Road will be milled and paved at the end of the project.
- Dominion Energy has begun work to relocate/raise lines; their work should complete in April 2018 (or sooner), weather permitting.
- Cox Communications & Verizon will follow by raising their lines; each company is expected to complete in 30 days.
- The final plan is expected in April 2018. Fairfax County will post the plan on their web site and the link will be provided when available. Meanwhile John Millikin has a paper copy of the 100-page (almost final) plan.
- Stormwater pipe construction is expected to start this summer or early fall 2018 and to take 12 to 18 months, partly depending on weather.
- The next update from Dave Anglin (Project Manager) is planned for the May 16, 2018HCA meeting.
More details are in the presentation.
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