About Us
The Hayfield Citizens Association (HCA) is the volunteer run civic association in Hayfield Farm. This association is comprised of residents of the neighborhood. The HCA provides information to the community via monthly newsletters (excluding July and August), social media presence on Facebook, and an annual Hayfield Directory (typically distributed in March). You can volunteer for a variety of HCA committees including the Neighborhood Watch, Membership, Social Committee, Welcoming, Beautification and more.
Your feedback and participation is incredibly important to the HCA. Please join us for the HCA general meetings that are held the third Wednesday of every month from September-June. Typically meetings are at Hayfield Elementary School at 7:30pm, however location and time are posted on signs at all entrances to Hayfield Farm neighborhood a few days before the meeting. All are welcome to attend and participate! Here is a list of some of the previous HCA General Meeting topics, as well as the HCA Board Meeting topics if you are curious about what is covered.
HCA Board Members are elected annually and cannot serve more than two terms in a row. Volunteers are always welcome.

John Krampien
After living all over the U.S., Korea, and Japan, John and his family decided to settle down in Hayfield in 2023. John is an Army veteran with over twenty years of service in operations, planning, and strategy development assignments and included two deployments to Iraq and one to Haiti.He previously served as the HCA board member at large and acting vice president, and was vice president of the board for a nonprofit community service radio station in Illinois. John is graduate of the United States Military Academy, where he interned for a U.S. Senator, and earned his master’s in public administration from the University of South Carolina, where he interned for the City of Columbia Budget Office. He has travelled extensively across the U.S, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. In addition to travel, his hobbies include spending time with his kids, reading, n scale model railroading, fishing, and gardening.

Mary Millikin and John Millikin
Secretary and Board Member at Large
John and Mary Millikin have lived in Hayfield since 1975. John was active for many years with Boy Scouts with Pack 1519 (Den Leader) and with Troop 1519 (Scoutmaster 1991-1995). He has been active with the HCA for 23 years including Treasurer for 2½ years. Other responsibilities include Stormwater Committee Chair, and Newsletter & Directory Archives.
Mary served as Secretary for the HCA, later Vice President and President. She was the newsletter editor for a couple of years. Mostly she has served as Beautification Chairman for many years.
John has ridden several Seagull Century bike rides and currently enjoys hiking both local and distant trails. John and Mary’s favorite activities are family celebrations with their five children, car trips to visit relatives, friends and National and State Parks, and working on projects with their children.

Robin Beard
Vice President
I moved to Hayfield Farm in November 1994 with my wife Jeanne. One month later, my daughter Halie was born and then two years later my son, Robin. I can’t believe how long our Family has lived here. Time has flown by and we have made many lifelong friends and developed strong ties to this community. When the kids were growing up, we were active in the PTA, coaching sports and volunteering with Boy Scouts, Troop 1519. Several years back I volunteered as the Advertising manager for the newsletter/directory for four years and served as a Board member for two years in the old Corporate Counsel Role. I’ve enjoyed this break, but I look forward to being active with the HCA again. I work at Ft. Belvoir as a cost analyst for Army acquisition programs and my hobbies and interests include spending time with family, hosting annual tailgates and attending football games at the University of South Carolina, cooking, working out and volunteering at Church.

Trevor Friend
Trevor and his wife Catherine moved to Hayfield Farm in 2009 with their two sons. Trevor has worked for Thomson Reuters for 23 years and in his spare time he enjoys gardening, reading, and working on projects around the house. Trevor previously served as the treasurer for Boy Scout Troop 1519 and is active in the Hayfield Garden Club.