Stormwater Project

Hayfield Road Pipe Project Update
Fairfax County hosted the Hayfield Road Pipe Project ribbon-cutting ceremony on October 1, 2020, here is the Ribbon Cutting Brochure and the remarks I made at the event. The pipe underneath Hayfield Road is now completed (ahead of schedule) and fully operational. The landscaping work (trees in the medians; replacements to install native plantings beyond the end of the pipe) and minor adjustments around the plunge pool will be completed this fall, probably in November. This $7 million project will benefit our Hayfield Farm community for the next 50-100 years. While it is infrastructure and largely hidden from view because the pipe is underground, it will serve us during every rain event. In addition the water flowing from this new pipe will be slowed down and filtered as it leaves Hayfield Farm and enters Huntley Meadows Park. The water quality will be improved over what it would have been without this new pipe. The new stormwater pipe under Hayfield Road is a major improvement to our community. The Hayfield Citizens Association, on behalf of our residents, expresses our sincere thanks to Fairfax County and all who worked on this project. There is a video and a picture from the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Fairfax County website. The picture (shown here on the right) is captioned on the website: New conveyance system outfall, wing walls and plunge pool at the end of Hayfield Road near the Hayfield Swim Club. Fairfax County picture.
Contacts – Hayfield Farm residents may address any pipe project issues to Brendan Schillo, PE, Project Engineer, phone 703-659-7048, email or to Dave Anglin, Section Chief, phone 703-324-5500, email
References and Web Sites – For more information about this project, refer to the Hayfield Farm Website or the Fairfax County website.

Hayfield Road Pipe Project Update
At the HCA membership meeting on September 16, 2020, project manager Dave Anglin provided updates for the Hayfield Road Pipe Project. The pipe is installed and fully functional; that part of the project is complete. There is some work to be done this fall on the outfall, i.e., where the pipe “daylights” or empties into the plunge pool at the end of Hayfield Road. In addition the landscaping work will be done this fall. For details, please see the power-point that Dave provided.
You can see a recording of the entire HCA meeting, including Dave’s power point presentation. Click on this link and provide the password: j.!Epr9Z.
Dave Anglin and Brendan Schillo and staff have done a wonderful job in managing this complex project. Dave and Brendan will continue to be the contact points as they complete the work mentioned and through the one-year warranty period. If I can help with general stormwater questions, you may contact me, John Millikin, at or 703-971-5447.
If you have any questions about the pipe project work during the next year, please contact:
- Brendan Schillo, PE, Project Engineer, phone 703-659-7048, email
- Dave Anglin, Section Chief, phone 703-324-5500, email
- Their website is
- The pipe project website is
Please join us for a ribbon cutting ceremony to recognize completing the project:
- Where: Hayfield Farm Swim Club parking lot
- When: Thursday Oct 1 at 4:45pm (rain date Oct 8)
- Board Chairman Jeff McKay, Lee District Supervisor Rodney Lusk and County Executive Bryan Hill are scheduled to join us.

Hayfield Road Pipe Project Update
Hello Hayfield Farm Residents –Be sure to read the September 2020 newsletter for details about these items. Thank you to the Boy Scouts of Troop 1519 for delivering our newsletter the weekend of Sept 11-13.
Pipe Project Update at the Wednesday September 16 HCA Meeting at 7:30pm
The Hayfield Road Pipe Project Manager, Dave Anglin, will provide an update on this project at the Wednesday September 16, 2020 HCA general meeting. This will be a virtual meeting via Zoom like the May 20 meeting; click on this link on Sept 16 no later than 7:30pm to join the meeting.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: Thursday October 1 at 4:45pm at 7820 Hayfield Road
We invite you to attend the official celebration of the completion of the Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance project. Please RSVP here by Sept. 25. By submitting your RSVP, Fairfax County will be able to send you event updates and information as the date approaches.
Parking will be available at the Hayfield Farm Swim Club, directly adjacent to the event site.
Learn more about the Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance project here.
This event will be held observing appropriate social distancing. Please wear a mask or face covering. Fairfax County is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in all county programs, services and activities. To request reasonable ADA accommodations, call 703-324-3198 (TTY 711).

Hayfield Road Pipe Project Update
Updated Thumbnail History of the Pipe Project (September 3, 2020)
Our Hayfield Road Pipe Project, funded and managed by Fairfax County, is now complete except for landscaping and minor work at the plunge pool. For those who are new to the neighborhood, Hayfield Farm has experienced three 100-year rain-events in the past 25-30 years. Our existing stormwater pipe was not large enough to carry stormwater from major rain events. We had only one large (72-inch) pipe that carried stormwater through Hayfield to the creek behind Hayfield Pool. This new (second) pipe provides additional capacity in carrying water under Hayfield Road to the new plunge pool at the end of Hayfield Road; that water then permeates into the soil and continues into Huntley Meadows Park. The additional pipe thus better manages downstream stormwater flow in major rain events. The project started in September 2019 and concludes in October 2020 after landscaping and tree replacements.
Updates June-July-August 2020
The Hayfield Road Pipe Project Manager, Dave Anglin, will provide an update on this project at the September 16, 2020 HCA general meeting. This will be a virtual meeting via Zoom like the May 20 meeting; click on this link on Sept 16 no later than 7:30 pm to join the meeting. Dave met with HCA President Cathy Seybold, Beautification Chair Mary Millikin and Stormwater Committee Chair John Millikin on July 27 to discuss landscaping plans to include the outfall/plunge-pool area and the medians along Hayfield Road. Where the pipe “daylights”(this is the “outfall/plunge-pool area”) at the end of Hayfield Road by the Hayfield Pool, there will be replantings as well as some improvements to drainage. Along the medians, the plant/tree restorations will occur, basically replacing trees that were removed with the same type trees. Plantings will go in the ground anywhere from late-September to mid-November.
On August 4, after a heavy rain, I sent a short Thank-You note to Project Manager Dave Anglin, Board of Supervisors Chair Jeff McKay and several county and Garney Construction staff thanking them for their work to date because the new pipe was operational and working. The picture below shows the successfully installed pipe carrying its share of stormwater on its way to Huntley Meadows, i.e., beyond the end of Hayfield Road near the Hayfield Farm Swim Club. Thus our new pipe was in place just in time to protect our homes and property when Hurricane Isaias arrived here on August 3.
As you know, as of August 21, Hayfield Road within Hayfield Farm had been repaved and all damaged curbs were replaced with new curbs. After reviewing the field conditions (gas lines were re-routed), Dave Anglin said that Bridgewater Court would be milled and repaved; this was completed at the same time as the asphalt work at the pool on September 2-3, 2020.
There is a design issue to resolve where the new outfall pipe empties into the plunge pool at the end of Hayfield Road. The outfall pipe “daylights” or opens up at the end of Hayfield Road near the Hayfield Farm Swim Club into the rock armored plunge pool. The surrounding grade may be causing the water to pool higher than the armoring. If this is the case, engineers will ensure that there is positive drainage away from the plunge pool though there is no guarantee that the plunge pool will always dry out after precipitation events. Dave Anglin and staff are working with their design consultant on a new grading plan with the goal to pass outfall discharge through the Park property. This will require several weeks before it can be implemented and is on the schedule to be resolved this fall.
References and Web Sites
Hayfield Farm residents may contact Dave Anglin about any pipe project issues at 703-324-5500 or . For more information about this project, refer to these Hayfield News issues: Oct 2019 “Stormwater Pipe Background,” pp 9, 11 and “Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance System Update,” pp 11, 13; Nov 2019, page 9 where several websites are listed; one recommended web site is Other issues include: Dec 2019, pp 11-17; Jan 2020 pp 9, 11; Feb, pp 9, 11, 13; March, pp 11, 13. April, pp 5-7; May, pp 9, 11, 13; June, pp 9, 11, 13. Recent and past Hayfield News issues are located at You can see the Fairfax County website about this project at

Hayfield Road Pipe Project Update
Repaving Hayfield Road begins August 17 and is estimated to take about a week. This is a situation where towing, at the owner’s expense, will be mandatory if any vehicle is blocking progress.
Milling and repaving of Hayfield Road is scheduled to begin Monday, August 17. This will require fully closing the lanes for each activity. This activity is similar to the way traffic has been managed during the pipe installation.
However – and please note carefully – since the milling and paving moves much faster, parking impacts may be more challenging and folks will likely need to park further away. “No Parking” signs will be installed/posted.
This is a situation where towing, at the owner’s expense, will be mandatory if any vehicle is blocking progress.
Garney estimates that this work may require about a week to complete. As always, weather or other factors may cause this work to extend.
Additional details:
“No Parking” signs will be installed Tuesday August 11. Please follow the instructions on the signs. Remember that towing at owner’s expense will be mandatory if any vehicle is blocking progress.
Monday 8/17 & Tuesday 8/18 (Half-day) – Garney’s subcontractor will overlay the south side of Hayfield Road with 2’’ surface asphalt. All interconnecting streets will also be halfway milled and get an overlay with 2’’ surface asphalt.
Tuesday 8/18 (Half-day) & Wednesday 8/19: The entire north side of the Hayfield Road will be milled and will get an overlay on these days.
Thursday 8/20 traffic loops will be installed on northbound Hayfield Road at the intersection of Telegraph Road.
Friday 8/21 all striping will be done on Hayfield Road.
We hope towing does not happen, but if your car is towed, contact Little Man Towing at phone 703-398-9300; the contact person is Mike Mullis at phone 980-207-9236.
ADA (access related to the Americans with Disabilities Act) issues should be sent in advance/now to (Dave Anglin, our usual contact, is out of the office during this paving process.)
The first picture (below) shows the connection under Hayfield Road just as one enters Hayfield Farm. A large concrete cover with access for maintenance was installed and then this pit was filled in and paved over. There is a metal manhole cover at the surface. This pipe now carries a good portion of the stormwater that previously ran to the connection at Luton Place.
The second picture was taken during a recent rainfall on August 4; it shows the successfully installed pipe carrying its share of stormwater on its way to Huntley Meadows, i.e., beyond the end of Hayfield Road near the Hayfield Pool.
Given the impact on the neighborhood, this page is dedicated to updates and information related to the Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance Project, also known as the Stormwater Project and Storm Drain Project.
Background Information:
The goal of the project is to improve stormwater management performance and address area flooding. The project began in 2014 and will continue until winter 2018. Currently there are 45 houses at risk during a major rain or flood event, primarily because of the local large parking lots surrounding the neighborhood. Two houses have been purchased by the County and demolished due to flood damage, but a new 60″ pipe will help to divide the amount of water coming into Hayfield and hopefully eliminate the flooding problem. Here is a sample of the letter that was sent out in 2014 describing the project, along with contact information if you have more questions. If you really want to dig deep into the project, here is the overview about the Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance System. The storm drainage system is a network of structures, channels and underground pipes that carry stormwater to ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. They are maintained by VDOT and Fairfax County.
The best way to hear updates in-person is at a General Meeting when this is on the agenda. We will continue to provide the most updated presentation from the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services using the link that is embedded in the image to the right. Stay tuned!
Click here to access all of the archived documents saved to date about the project.
If you feel that there is a storm drainage problem, report those issues using this form.