Stormwater Project

Hayfield Road Pipe Project: 11/12/19
Hayfield Road Pipe Project Update 11/12/2019
I will answer by what the contractor’s schedule currently says and what I think based on what I’m seeing in the field.
As always–please keep in mind that weather factors can influence this project. Good weather is great, of course, but bad weather can delay projects as we all know.
According to the contractor’s schedule they will be installing sanitary sewer line in advance of the start of the box culvert installation through the middle of January, 2020.
7’x4’ box culvert installation, which for our purposes also includes the outlet structure and plunge pool, will begin in mid-January, 2020. They will also be performing small water line and water service relocations as the work on the box culvert progresses. The box culvert goes up past Broadmoor St. where it changes to 48” reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). The box culvert installation should be complete by May. Installation of the 48” pipe will continue after that. The remaining work in the area of the pool will consist of restoration and repaving. According to the schedule, milling and paving happens last in October 2020.
The contractor has indicated they plan to beat the project schedule. Keep in mind they also have a hard deadline to be out of the swim club lot of May 1. They want to have most of the project work complete, except for the Telegraph Road crossing and some restoration done by then as well.
As a practice, I don’t like to predict early finishes to construction projects. I think it’s reasonable to tell the property owner that the area in front of their house will be pretty well clear of construction by mid-April at the latest, very likely several weeks earlier. Again, keep in mind that bad weather usually impacts (delays) major construction projects.

Hayfield Road Pipe Project: 10/29/19
As many Hayfield Farm residents know, Fairfax Water repaired a water-main break on Broadmoor Street near the Hayfield Road intersection. Fairfax Water has updated our Fairfax County Stormwater Construction Branch staff. Work to provide a permanent patch over that water-main break is on their contractor’s schedule for November, so it should be completed by the end of November and with some luck, well before then.

Hayfield Road Pipe Project: 10/14/19
NO PARKING signs are now up from the Hayfield Farm Swim Club to Broadmoor Street on Hayfield Road for milling activity on Thursday 10/10 to Friday 10/11. This has been coordinated with police and VDOT.

Hayfield Road Pipe Project Contacts and Updates
Written by John Millikin, HCA Stormwater Management Committee Chair
- Recommended usual contact: John Millikin, HCA Stormwater Management Committee Chair, email, phone 703-971-5447. I will answer if I can or I will submit questions to Dave Anglin periodically and he will provide answers every 7-10 days.
- Dave Anglin, Fairfax County Project Manager, email Dave.Anglin@, phone 703-324-5500. - Marcus Wadsworth, Staff at Lee District Supervisor McKay’s office, email Marcus.Wadsworth@, phone 703-971-6262. - Syed Sarwar, Garney Construction Project Manager, email
about-us/stormwater (HCA website with Powerpoint presentations as well as historic information about the project) -
publicworks/stormwater/plans- projects/hayfield-road-pipe- conveyance-project (Fairfax County project summary and description; includes link to the groundbreaking ceremony) -
v=gyQzCyzQupA (Youtube link to the minute and a half groundbreaking video) - (the construction company)
- When will the project start? It started the week of September 16, 2019 with some tree-work beyond the end of Hayfield Road near the pool parking lot.
- Are Fairfax County schools and buses aware of this project? Project Dave Anglin has worked and continues to work with Fairfax County Public Schools to ensure safety of all children and staff at our schools; he has ensured that the buses will be routed safely.
- What are safety precautions for traffic? There will be certified flaggers who follow VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation) safety guidelines.
- What are project hours? Generally they follow construction hours for Fairfax County. They will generally work 7:00am to 5:00pm but may work later on some days.
- When will the work be done at the Telegraph Road and Hayfield Road intersection? This will be done next summer 2020, when school is out.
- What are the work hours for the intersection work? Roadwork will occur 9:00am-3:30pm Monday through Thursday and 9:00am – 2:30pm on Friday.
- How long will this project take? This project should be completed (weather permitting) by December 2020. For those who want a date, the contract calls for October 12, 2020 with “punch-list” items to follow. Keep in mind that there could be project changes which could extend the time for work and that weather is always a variable.
Hayfield Road Pipe Project Update 5/16/2018
Written by John Millikin, HCA Stormwater Management Committee Chair
At the May 16, 2018 Hayfield Farm HCA General Meeting, there was an update on the Hayfield Road Pipe Project. Please click on image on the left to view details in the presentation. Here are some highlights from the meeting:
- Now through September 2018, utility work continues.
- October 2018 is the possible month to break ground by Fairfax County’s (to be) selected project contractor.
- For general project issues, contact Dave Anglin (
- For VDOT issues, you may contact Marcus Wadsworth ( at Lee District Supervisor Jeff McKay’s office.
- The overall project length is estimated at 12 to 14 months, though this is subject to weather and other unknown variables.
- Call Karen Sheffield, Park Manager, Huntley Meadows Park (phone 703-768-2525; email if you see a wood turtle in or near Hayfield Farm or Huntley Meadows. There is a picture in the power point presentation.
Given the impact on the neighborhood, this page is dedicated to updates and information related to the Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance Project, also known as the Stormwater Project and Storm Drain Project.
Background Information:
The goal of the project is to improve stormwater management performance and address area flooding. The project began in 2014 and will continue until winter 2018. Currently there are 45 houses at risk during a major rain or flood event, primarily because of the local large parking lots surrounding the neighborhood. Two houses have been purchased by the County and demolished due to flood damage, but a new 60″ pipe will help to divide the amount of water coming into Hayfield and hopefully eliminate the flooding problem. Here is a sample of the letter that was sent out in 2014 describing the project, along with contact information if you have more questions. If you really want to dig deep into the project, here is the overview about the Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance System. The storm drainage system is a network of structures, channels and underground pipes that carry stormwater to ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. They are maintained by VDOT and Fairfax County.
The best way to hear updates in-person is at a General Meeting when this is on the agenda. We will continue to provide the most updated presentation from the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services using the link that is embedded in the image to the right. Stay tuned!
Click here to access all of the archived documents saved to date about the project.
If you feel that there is a storm drainage problem, report those issues using this form.