Stormwater Project

Sanitary Lateral Inspection Reports 2/24/18

Written by John Millikin, HCA Stormwater Management Committee Chair
As a part of the Hayfield Pipe Project, there have been sanitary lateral inspections and reports. Reports were sent to twenty-three homeowners in Hayfield Farm. However, much of the information is relevant, timely and important for all homeowners in Hayfield Farm. Thus I have put together a summary of the relevant information for you. Please see the information in these four files:

Stormwater Pipe System Update 1/17/18

At the Hayfield Farm HCA General Meeting, there was an update on the Stormwater Pipe System. Click on image on the right (for 1-17-18) to view details in the presentation. Here are some highlights from the meeting:

  • Washington Gas started relocation work on September 6, 2017 and completed it December 8, a month early. Concrete restorations (sidewalk and curbs) await warmer weather.
  • The east (Hayfield Park) side of Hayfield Road will be paved soon, depending on weather. All of Hayfield Road will be milled and paved at the end of the project.
  • Dominion Energy has begun work to relocate/raise lines; their work should complete in April 2018 (or sooner), weather permitting.
  • Cox Communications & Verizon will follow by raising their lines; each company is expected to complete in 30 days.
  • The final plan is expected in April 2018. Fairfax County will post the plan on their web site and the link will be provided when available. Meanwhile John Millikin has a paper copy of the 100-page (almost final) plan.
  • Stormwater pipe construction is expected to start this summer or early fall 2018 and to take 12 to 18 months, partly depending on weather.
  • The next update from Dave Anglin (Project Manager) is planned for the May 16, 2018HCA meeting.

More details are in the presentation.

Stormwater Pipe Project Meeting Update 10/18/17

At the Hayfield Farm HCA General Meeting, there was an update on the Stormwater Pipe Project.  Click on image on the left to view the presentation.  Here are some highlights from the meeting:

  • Washington Gas hopes to complete work in January 2018
  • Some utilities (Dominion Electric; Cox; Verizon) will be doing work soon.
  • Sanitary sewer work/reporting is progressing.
  • Some utility work, e.g., water, etc., will occur during pipe installation.
  • There probably will be additional inroads into the medians, especially at the lower (pool) end of the project.
  • Estimate of construction to install the stormwater pipe is September 2018 through September 2019.
  • Next update from Dave Anglin (Project Manager) is planned for the January 17, 2018 HCA meeting.

More details will be in the November newsletter.

Washington Gas Presentation from 09/20/2017 HCA Meeting

At our General HCA Meeting on September 20, Mr. Huey Battle from Washington Gas gave a presentation outlining Washington Gas work on Hayfield Road. They are installing a gas main on the park side of Hayfield Road, after which they will connect to individual houses. All houses on Hayfield Road are scheduled to receive a new service line. Some corner houses, whose gas is from the cross street (not from Hayfield Road) will not be affected at this time.

Work is expected to be completed by January 2018. Additional details were in the September 2017 HCA Hayfield News newsletter.  View the presentation by clicking on image on the left.

Sanitary Sewer Televising Presentation from 09/11/2017 Meeting

For the Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance Project, Mr. Dave Anglin held a September 11, 2017 meeting about “Mainline Sanitary Sewer and Private Service Lateral Televising.” A link to the presentation is on the left.  Contact information is included within the presentation.
Word to the Wise
Now that Hayfield Farm has reached 50 years old, it would be wise for every home to have insurance to cover sewer pipe repair. One vendor that offers this insurance is Dominion Products and Services in your electric bill.  Web site:
Some residents have learned to their sorrow that it is very costly to have the sewer line repaired; it’s much better to have the insurance. Insurance is also offered to have your landscaping repaired.

Given the impact on the neighborhood, this page is dedicated to updates and information related to the Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance Project, also known as the Stormwater Project and Storm Drain Project.

Background Information:

The goal of the project is to improve stormwater management performance and address area flooding.  The project began in 2014 and will continue until winter 2018.  Currently there are 45 houses at risk during a major rain or flood event, primarily because of the local large parking lots surrounding the neighborhood.  Two houses have been purchased by the County and demolished due to flood damage, but a new 60″ pipe will help to divide the amount of water coming into Hayfield and hopefully eliminate the flooding problem.  Here is a sample of the letter that was sent out in 2014 describing the project, along with contact information if you have more questions.  If you really want to dig deep into the project, here is the overview about the Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance System.  The storm drainage system  is a network of structures, channels and underground pipes that carry stormwater to ponds, lakes, streams and rivers.  They are maintained by VDOT and Fairfax County.

The best way to hear updates in-person is at a General Meeting when this is on the agenda.  We will continue to provide the most updated presentation from the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services using the link that is embedded in the image to the right.  Stay tuned!

Click here to access all of the archived documents saved to date about the project.

If you feel that there is a storm drainage problem, report those issues using this form.