
Hayfield Road Pipe Project: 1/21/20

Hayfield Road Pipe Project: 1/21/20

by John Millikin and Dave Anglin

Garney Construction, the County’s contractor, worked on Monday, January 20 which is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday. Garney will follow Fairfax County’s Noise Ordinance for federal holidays, i.e., no construction related noise in the community before 9 am.

The contractor ran into very unstable soils January 13-16 (marine clay and ground water have been issues) while trying to complete the new sanitary sewer main and lateral connections. They returned to the bottom of the hill (near Hayfield Pool) and began work on the new conveyance system outfall and plunge pool Friday January 17. Then, they continue this work up the hill based on the design plan. When the work progresses to the same point as where the sanitary is temporarily halted, the contractor will resume and complete the sanitary work along with the new storm pipe installation. The new sanitary main extends to the final house fronting on Hayfield Road at Bridgewater Court

Titan Tree Care was scheduled to perform root/limb pruning on Monday January 20 only for trees between Hayfield Road dead end by the pool and Broadmoor Street on the Hayfield Road median. This aligns with the project plans to preserve the trees on the median strip. This work is similar to previously described pruning the above grade tree limbs to remove work obstacles and to protect the trees while the contractor opens the road to install the box culvert sections. This root/limb pruning is a similar plant health management effort occurring in the underground root zone. This is work will provide best efforts to protect the health of the trees closest to the open excavation. Recall that one of Fairfax County’s arborists met with Garney’s arborist to review the work and discuss best management practices prior to beginning work. Also see the attached document (root-pruning.pdf) for details about root pruning.The contractor ran into very unstable soils January 13-16 (marine clay and ground water have been issues) while trying to complete the new sanitary sewer main and lateral connections. They returned to the bottom of the hill (near Hayfield Pool) and began work on the new conveyance system outfall and plunge pool Friday January 17. Then, they continue this work up the hill based on the design plan. When the work progresses to the same point as where the sanitary is temporarily halted, the contractor will resume and complete the sanitary work along with the new storm pipe installation. The new sanitary main extends to the final house fronting on Hayfield Road at Bridgewater Court.

It is far better to have a dedicated effort to cleanly cut the roots rather than have this occur during actual excavation work. This is driven almost exclusively by the 7’x4’ box culvert installation. The excavation becomes less of an issue when Garney switches over to the 48” pipe (beyond the Hayfield Road and Broadmoor Street intersection) as the work moves toward Telegraph Road. It becomes a non-issue after the sanitary main work is complete.

Questions and Answers

  1. Are truck deliveries continuing on Saturdays?
    1. Eight semi-truck deliveries were scheduled for Saturday, January 18. The Jan. 18 and Feb. 25 deliveries are postponed. Future box culvert and 48” reinforced concrete pipe deliveries will be announced later when the schedule is confirmed.
  2. What is the status of new sanitary sewer connections?
    1. Sixteen houses now have sanitary sewer connections completed; seven houses remain to be connected, assuming that #7710 has not yet been connected.
  3. What is estimated date to begin installing box culvert sections?
    1. Garney Construction began work on January 17 to install box culvert sections under Hayfield Road near the Hayfield Pool in conjunction with work on the outfall and plunge pool, i.e., Friday January 17.
  4. Where can I find more information about root pruning?
Hayfield Road Pipe Project: 1/21/20

Hayfield Road Pipe Project: Truck Deliveries Dec 7, 14, 21

Hayfield Road Pipe Project Manager Dave Anglin sent the following information on December 4 along with apologies for the short notice. He will work with the contractor to make sure we receive as much notice as possible on any future activity that could disturb the neighborhood. The contractor (Garney) plans to receive pre-cast box culvert sections over the next three Saturdays (December 7, 14 and 21).

Those living along Hayfield Road may want to avoid parking on Hayfield Road on these three Saturdays from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM or until the last of 12 tractor trailer flat-bed trucks leaves the neighborhood. There are two especially important areas to keep clear: (1) the south bound section where the pool property fronts along Hayfield Road to allow sufficient room for trucks to turn into the parking lot drive way; (2) it will also be helpful if the residents at 7815, 7817, and 7819 Hayfield Road will avoid parking on the street, if possible. The tractor trailer will need room to make the left turn out of the pool property onto Hayfield Road. It will be a tight turn even with the full northbound lane width open. Any cars parked in front of these homes will make that turn more difficult.

The culvert sections will arrive on tractor trailer flat-beds trucks. The reason they do this on Saturdays is due to manpower and safety. A 5-man crew is required to safely unload the culvert sections and that crew is usually busy with the sanitary main pipe work during the normal work week days. They will bring in a total of 12 trucks over a 10-hr workday. Each truck has 3 sections, and each section takes about 30 minutes to properly offload. The first delivery will be at 7:00 a.m. and we made it quite clear that they cannot enter the neighborhood prior to 7:00 a.m. (Unfortunately, the noise ordinance limits work prior to 9:00 a.m. only on Sunday and federal holidays.) The delivery trucks will be able to turn right down into the laydown area in the pool parking lot to off load and then depart. This is the first delivery set for the pre-cast culvert sections. The remaining culvert sections will not be ready until the end of January. Dave will provide as much advance notice about that schedule as possible.


Reminder about Replacement Trees / Hayfield Road Pipe Project

Mary Millikin, HCA Beautification Chair, wants to remind Hayfield Farm residents about the County’s requirement for replacement trees. To address any concerns about replacement trees for trees that are removed, the County is requiring the contractor to replant the same type of trees that they removed in the same places. Those trees include red maples, American hollies and redbuds. The “100% Design Plan for the Hayfield Road Pipe Conveyance System” dated July 9, 2018 specifies this on page 96.

Hayfield Road Pipe Project: 1/21/20

Hayfield Road Pipe Project: Sanitary Main Installation – 11/19/2019

Adam Jorjorian is the new Hayfield Pool Vice President and will track the Pipe Project for the Pool Board and membership. Adam asked Dave Anglin to “provide a current status of the project.” Dave copied me on his reply to Adam on November 19; Dave’s email reply is shown below.
Adam met with me (John Millikin) on Saturday November 23 for a few hours. Together we discussed the overall project history and current status and we reviewed the 100% design plans in some detail.
Here is Dave Anglin’s reply to Adam. Roughly, the new sanitary main is going to be completed before any work starts on the new storm system. I believe that the full main will be installed first, up to Bridgewater Court, then all the laterals will be connected to the new main. However, it may be the case that the pool is already connected.
The contractor scheduled 40 days for the sanitary work. So, the sanitary main and connections should be completion right after the end of the year. The contractor will then begin installing the new storm system starting with the outfall protection off the end of the roadway (at the end of Hayfield Road by the Hayfield Pool) and begin working up the hill, i.e., toward Telegraph Road. A coir log and graded level spreader are already complete just past the end of Hayfield Road near the pool. New plant installation is expected to begin any time this fall. These plants will be installed around the area disturbed off the road’s end, adjacent to the pool parking lot, and into the Park forest.
Work at the Telegraph Road intersection is required to be completed during the summer months while schools are in recess. And, the contractor is well aware they must be off the pool site with it fully restored no later than May 1, 2020. The project is scheduled to be complete in October 2020, though the contractor believes work may be complete a bit early. Of course, this is dependent on weather cooperating.
John Millikin
HCA Stormwater Management Committee Chair
Hayfield Road Pipe Project: 1/21/20

Hayfield Road Pipe Project: Preserve Two Trees; Remove One – 11/23/2019

I received this update about the Pipe Project work on Hayfield Road from Project Manager Dave Anglin on November 20. One additional tree will be removed and two will be pruned in the median strip nearest the Hayfield Pool along Hayfield Road. This work is necessary to install the storm system box culvert.

Initially, the contractor asked to remove three maples in the median strip closest to the pool – see attached marked up aerial photo. The reasons for the request are the limbs overhanging the road posing a work impediment and associated limb damage from the excavators. Dave Anglin asked two Fairfax County Landscape Architects – one of whom is an Arborist – to inspect the trees and assess the request with the goal being to save the three trees and limit any tree work to pruning, if possible. The only two circumstances to consider removing any tree are if it:

  • Were already in decline or dead; or
  • Would otherwise not survive the impact of the necessary excavation to install the box culvert.
Based on the Architect/Arborist assessment and recommendation, one tree will be removed but the other two will be preserved. The tree to be removed is shown in the attached photographs (photos are all of the same tree). This tree is in rather advanced decline and the community soon would be faced with removing it irrespective of this project. Given the poor health, it is very likely that any work close to the tree would further accelerate its death. The contractor (Garney) is required to preserve the other two maples. Garney will need to employ a professional arborist to prune the canopy limbs and to complete root pruning at a point just outside the limits of the box culvert excavation. As with the other trees removed, Fairfax County will ensure that the one removed tree will be will replaced at the project’s end.
Dave’s best guess is that this work will occur within the next few weeks, partly depending on weather of course; he will let me know once he has a better idea of when this tree work will occur.

Dave is very aware that landscaping is very important to the community and is notifying us to avoid surprising anyone. Further, in this case, this additional removal is in the best interest of all parties. Please see the four pictures with this update.

In the median closest to Hayfield Pool, three trees are circled.
Two trees will be preserved (top right and middle).
One tree will be removed (bottom left) due to poor health and severe decline.
Bark peeling/crumbling at tree’s root crown;
sign of severe decline. This is one of three pictures
all showing the same tree.
Same tree; limb scar has dry rotted completely through the limb.
The tree also bears another similar scar on the main trunk.
Third picture of same tree; similar to the previous picture;
closer to the root crown.