Hayfield Road Pipe Project: Tree Removed, Vibration Monitors, No Parking Signs

Hayfield Road Pipe Project: March Updates

by John Millikin March 6 – Roadway from the Pool to Broadmoor St. After Garney moves beyond the Broadmoor Street intersection work from the pool up to Broadmoor Street will include: Continue the box culvert installation approximately 250 to 300 linear feet where the...

HCA Proposed By-Laws

The current HCA by-laws are dated March 2016, i.e., four years ago. The Board appointed a committee to review and make suggestions. This was announced at the HCA membership meeting on February 19, 2020. As promised at that meeting here are documents to review for...
Hayfield Road Pipe Project: Tree Removed, Vibration Monitors, No Parking Signs

Hayfield Road Pipe Project: Root Pruning

RESEARCH LABORATORY TECHNICAL REPORT from Bartlett Tree Experts Root Pruning Kelby Fite, PhD, Plant & Environmental Science and E. Thomas Smiley, PhD, Urban Forestry Root pruning is the process of cutting roots prior to mechanical excavation near a tree. Root...