Vice President Volunteer Needed

Vice President Volunteer Needed

The HCA nominating committee still seeks a volunteer for Vice President. Primary responsibilities include to preside at a meeting in the temporary absence of the President and to arrange programs for general meetings. To volunteer, contact any member of the nominating...

Brick Entrance Signs Project Plan

The repair of our three 40+ year old Hayfield Farm Entrance signs is pending General Membership approval at this month’s General Membership meeting on April 18, 2018. This repair, once authorized, is expected to take several days from start to finish at an estimated...

Hike/Bike Path Update 3/12/18

Good news about the Hike/Bike path bridge installation just arrived!  Recall that the path has been repaved but the bridge at the U.S. Coast Guard station is being replaced. Here is what Marcus Wadsworth at Supervisor McKay’s office sent me today: The bridge...