Adam Jorjorian is the new Hayfield Pool Vice President and will track the Pipe Project for the Pool Board and membership. Adam asked Dave Anglin to “provide a current status of the project.” Dave copied me on his reply to Adam on November 19; Dave’s email reply is shown below.
Adam met with me (John Millikin) on Saturday November 23 for a few hours. Together we discussed the overall project history and current status and we reviewed the 100% design plans in some detail.
Here is Dave Anglin’s reply to Adam. Roughly, the new sanitary main is going to be completed before any work starts on the new storm system. I believe that the full main will be installed first, up to Bridgewater Court, then all the laterals will be connected to the new main. However, it may be the case that the pool is already connected.
The contractor scheduled 40 days for the sanitary work. So, the sanitary main and connections should be completion right after the end of the year. The contractor will then begin installing the new storm system starting with the outfall protection off the end of the roadway (at the end of Hayfield Road by the Hayfield Pool) and begin working up the hill, i.e., toward Telegraph Road. A coir log and graded level spreader are already complete just past the end of Hayfield Road near the pool. New plant installation is expected to begin any time this fall. These plants will be installed around the area disturbed off the road’s end, adjacent to the pool parking lot, and into the Park forest.

Work at the Telegraph Road intersection is required to be completed during the summer months while schools are in recess. And, the contractor is well aware they must be off the pool site with it fully restored no later than May 1, 2020. The project is scheduled to be complete in October 2020, though the contractor believes work may be complete a bit early. Of course, this is dependent on weather cooperating.
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