Volunteers from our community work hard to bring you our Hayfield News Newsletter each month from September through June. The newsletter is hand delivered to your home at no cost to you! Additionally, if you join the Hayfield listserve, you will receive an electronic version in email. To be added to our listserve, contact
The newsletter includes: minutes from HCA meetings, articles on local activities, letters of opinion, classified ads (Free! for HCA members; 10 cents a word for non-members), ads from local businesses, a babysitter list, and more!
The deadline for the newsletter is always the Friday after the HCA Board Meeting. The HCA Board meeting is on the first Wednesday of each month. The newsletter is distributed the weekend before the HCA General Membership Meeting (the third Wednesday of the month.)
If you would like to know more about advertising in our Classifieds or as a Commercial Ad, please check out this page for more information.
February Hayfield News 2019
Check out the February Hayfield News. Included in this issue: Stormwater update, Hayfield Happenings, etc.
January Hayfield News 2019
Check out the January Hayfield News. Included in this issue: News On The Year Ahead, Stormwater update, Hayfield Happenings, etc.
December Hayfield News 2018
Check out the December Hayfield News. Included in this issue: Winter Road Snow Plowing, Stormwater update, Hayfield Happenings, etc.
November Hayfield News 2018
Check out the November Hayfield News. Included in this issue: Caroling For Cans, Stormwater update, Hayfield Happenings, etc.
October Hayfield News 2018
Check out the October Hayfield News. Included in this issue: Meet your new HCA Vice-President and Social Chairs, Stormwater update, Hayfield Happenings, etc.
September Hayfield News 2018
Check out the September Hayfield News. Included in this issue: Meet your new HCA President, Stormwater update, Yard of the Month information, elections for VP, Hayfield Happenings, etc.